From the moment you came into this world your breath has always been with you, but have you noticed it?

Our breath is one of our most valuable inner-resources that all human beings can access. Using the breath in ceremony and cultural practices has been around for thousands of years as a medicine to access deeper states of consciousness and wisdom. The Breathwork Journey does not follow one tradition but bows to all breathing traditions and supports you to find your own natural breath, the one that has always been there.

This program is based on the understanding that there is a deep healing, intelligent and wise capacity within us and a good portion of our suffering arises from our disconnect from this capacity. Breathwork can be a step on a journey into bringing back that connection with the wisest part of yourself. Through entering what we call a “non-ordinary state of conscious” participants often report gaining new perspective on issues they are struggling with in their lives, experience relief from trauma or gaining deeper insights into one’s life purpose or direction. Learn more about Breathwork here.

This program is unique in part because it is facilitated by both Leo Lobbestael, a Registered Psychotherapist (Ontario), as well as Karine Bertrand, a Registered Psychologist (Quebec). Together, they are able to frame this experience in a manner that is trauma-informed, supporting the wellbeing of clients throughout their journey.
The program also includes an optional Integration Circle on the weekend following the Breathwork workshop, which allows clients an additional opportunity to share their experience within the safety of the group and integrate insights they may have had into their daily lives.

Frequently Asked Questions